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100 Words about Baseball

  • Why I Love Baseball
    There is no clock
    90 feet between bases is genius
    There are secret signs
    Hanging curveballs are sexy
    Numbers are magic: 755, 56, 7, 61, 1.12
    Tinker to Evers to Chance
    Ivy at Wrigley
    The Green Monster
    The suicide squeeze
    Cracker Jack
    Walt Whitman liked it
    Jackie Robinson and Pee-Wee Reese
    It just feels American
    The seventh-inning stretch
    Guys in tight pants
    Bull Durham
    There’s no crying in baseball
    A great play at the plate
    High socks
    Spring training
    Keeping score
    The rubber game
    The infield fly rule
    162 chances

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This might call for a Pinterest board. ;)

Tara Youknow

You are SO right!! I'll get right on that...thanks for the suggestion @stylishboots!


Crate & Barrel has leaning shelves similar to the PB version but much cheaper.


And Ikea do cheap and cheerful versions of the cubbies.


Funnily enough, when N and I separated, the bedroom was the room I made the biggest changes to straight away. My tastes were never very feminine before, but I have flowers on my duvet covers (dark reds and a wee bit of blue, white background)and on the cushion covers in the living room (similar colours). There's also always been cut flowers in the house - N hated them and complained if I bought them.


I remember the post a long time ago showing the red paint. I don't know why I specifically remember that. Anyway, I have to put in a plug for Benjamin Moore Regal Matte. I have done my whole house in that paint and in love with it to the point of obsession, almost.

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