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100 Words about Baseball

  • Why I Love Baseball
    There is no clock
    90 feet between bases is genius
    There are secret signs
    Hanging curveballs are sexy
    Numbers are magic: 755, 56, 7, 61, 1.12
    Tinker to Evers to Chance
    Ivy at Wrigley
    The Green Monster
    The suicide squeeze
    Cracker Jack
    Walt Whitman liked it
    Jackie Robinson and Pee-Wee Reese
    It just feels American
    The seventh-inning stretch
    Guys in tight pants
    Bull Durham
    There’s no crying in baseball
    A great play at the plate
    High socks
    Spring training
    Keeping score
    The rubber game
    The infield fly rule
    162 chances

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Tim Jackson

And so it begins. This is less an ending and more of a beginning. You already know this and you will remember it again and again- especially when things feel less easy (and believe me there will times like that). But you already know the most important thing of all; you have love and support from people who sincerely care about you and your happiness. Best of all, you have Alex. It's not to say that he can "fix" everything, but I promise he will be able to fix more than you might think- and in ways you can't see right now. I know that when I went through my own separation and divorce, Katie kept me sane without even knowing it or trying. Her love and support, combined by the rest of my support network, carried me to a place where I finally realized, "I deserve to be happy".

I know you and I know you'll not just survive, but prosper. You're surrounded by folks who care and who are just around the corner- no matter how big that corner might be.


Thinking of you. Glad it is amicable and that Alex is such a joy.

Tara Youknow

@Tim I really appreciate your friendship and support. Thanks. I think I have a pretty awesome corner and I thank my lucky stars for it every day.

@Pigglet - thanks so much for your thoughts!

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