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100 Words about Baseball

  • Why I Love Baseball
    There is no clock
    90 feet between bases is genius
    There are secret signs
    Hanging curveballs are sexy
    Numbers are magic: 755, 56, 7, 61, 1.12
    Tinker to Evers to Chance
    Ivy at Wrigley
    The Green Monster
    The suicide squeeze
    Cracker Jack
    Walt Whitman liked it
    Jackie Robinson and Pee-Wee Reese
    It just feels American
    The seventh-inning stretch
    Guys in tight pants
    Bull Durham
    There’s no crying in baseball
    A great play at the plate
    High socks
    Spring training
    Keeping score
    The rubber game
    The infield fly rule
    162 chances

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Tara, you are my hero.

Jennifer M

You are officially too cool for me to know you. ;)

John D. van Meter

OK, Tara, help me out...who's David Sedaris?


John, he's one of the funniest writers, ever. :) In addition to him being a funny (and just plain excellent) writer, I don't know if there's ever been a writer better suited to read his own works out loud. Reading one of his books is wonderful, but hearing him read it is sublime. He gained popularity when Ira Glass began featuring him on "This American Life" in the mid-1990s and has gone on to sell something like 7 or 8 million books. He does frequent reading tours and I never miss an opportunity to hear him read in person.

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